Days of Sunshine BouquetRed roses, red alstroemeria and orange gladioli in a sparkling Ming urn - a lovely tribute that sends a message of hope and healing for those mourning their loss. The exquisite bouquet includes red roses, red alstroemeria, orange gladioli, orange carnations and bells of...
- From $98.23
- From $98.23
- Unit price
- per
Summer's Light BouquetExpress your condolences in tasteful shades of color with peach, orange and yellow flowers in a stylish trumpet vase. For the service or the home, it is an elegant choice. Comfort those who have lost a loved one with a tastefully colorful bouquet of...
- From $120.91
- From $120.91
- Unit price
- per
Teleflora's Uptown BouquetAn arrangement worthy of your uptown girl, this one rocks! Modern without being trendy. Gorgeous without being girly. If your woman knows style, this is the gift for her. Outrageously beautiful dark orange and peach roses are nestled in a garden of greens and...
- From $80.95
- From $80.95
- Unit price
- per
Fiery Lily and RoseSpark someone's attention by sending this absolutely radiant bouquet. Full of flowers and fiery beauty, it makes a beautiful gift for any occasion. Features dark orange roses and orange asiatic lilies in a charming glass vase. It's fiery and it's fabulous! Orientation: All-Around Approximate...
- From $86.35
- From $86.35
- Unit price
- per
Teleflora's Elegant Traditions CenterpieceFall in love with this elegant arrangement. Orange roses and gladioli are arranged to perfection in our mercury glass bowl. This exquisite bouquet includes orange roses, orange gladioli and lavender cushion spray chrysanthemums accented with assorted greens. Delivered in a Teleflora mercury glass bowl....
- From $100.39
- From $100.39
- Unit price
- per
Teleflora's Harvest Shimmer CenterpieceDress their fall table to impress by sending this shining bowl of the season's finest! Hand-delivered in a stunning mercury glass bowl, this artistic mix of white lilies and peach roses is sure to make their season a memorable one. This stunning centerpiece arrangement...
- From $133.87
- From $133.87
- Unit price
- per
Celestial LoveCelestial Love Approximate size: • Standard: 16" W x 16" H • Deluxe: 16" W x 16" H • Premium: 16" W x 16" H Standard: T209-2A Deluxe: T209-2B Premium: T209-2C
- From $88.51
- From $88.51
- Unit price
- per
Teleflora's Fancy Free BouquetAt once bold and delicate, this gorgeous gathering of pink and orange blooms is a fabulous way to fancy up her day. Orange roses, pink alstroemeria, dark pink carnations and miniature red carnations are accented with fresh bupleurum, lemon leaf and variegated pittosporum. Delivered...
- From $74.47
- From $74.47
- Unit price
- per
Teleflora's Sentimental DreamsBecause you will remember the loved one with every sunrise and every sunset. Because someone special made your life brighter. For these reasons and more, this brilliant arrangement will be much appreciated. A lovely assortment of flowers such as fiery orange roses, gerberas and...
- $161.95
- $161.95
- Unit price
- per
Soft Sentiments BouquetBring warmth to the memorial service or home with this basket of sunshine. A radiant tribute to a bright, beautiful life, this bouquet of lilies, gerberas and carnations is a comforting reminder of your support and affection. This sentimental favorite features peach asiatic lilies,...
- $99.31
- $99.31
- Unit price
- per
Intoxicating Beauty BouquetIntoxicating in its natural beauty, this wildly chic bouquet of pale peach roses and midnight purple hydrangea, arranged in a stylish white ceramic cylinder, is a breathtaking arrangement for any and all occasions. This gorgeous arrangement includes purple hydrangea, miniature green hydrangea, green roses,...
- From $280.75
- From $280.75
- Unit price
- per
Punch Of Color BouquetThe bright stuff for punching up anyone's mood! Bring happiness to any day with this bold, sunset-inspired blend of hot pink roses and orange lilies in a classic glass vase! Hot pink roses, orange spray roses, orange asiatic lilies, hot pink carnations, red miniature...
- From $106.87
- From $106.87
- Unit price
- per
Teleflora's Aloha SunsetAloha is a celebration of joy, gratitude and being in the present. Lovely orchids celebrate the spirit of aloha, especially when mixed with gorgeous roses evocative of a Hawaiian sunset. This stunning arrangement has it all. Beautiful yellow cymbidium orchids, brilliant bi-color roses and...
- From $149.51
- From $149.51
- Unit price
- per
Teleflora's Bamboo GetawayGet away from bouquets as usual and choose this tropical adventure strikingly served up in a beautiful bamboo box. Exotic. Exciting. Extremely beautiful! Yellow roses, dark orange miniature callas, orange asiatic lilies and pin cushion protea, red miniature gerberas and more are delivered in...
- From $140.35
- From $140.35
- Unit price
- per
Teleflora's Smile for MeRekindle warm feelings with this sweet but sizzling array of hot pink roses, orange spray roses, purple carnations and more in a sparkling glass bubble bowl. A gorgeous gift of love for an anniversary or any romantic occasion. Expect kisses. Think of someone you...
- From $80.95
- From $80.95
- Unit price
- per