The look of love is charmingly reflected in this romantic array of red roses and fragrant white callas. Beautifully presented in a sparkling glass vase, these gorgeous flowers will say what's in your heart more eloquently than words.
Classic in its simplicity, this lovely bouquet of 18 red roses and fragrant white callas in a sparkling glass vase is a dazzling gift of love. Birthday, anniversary or just because, this bouquet is a winner that will win her all over again.
Wait till she opens the door and sees this wildly romantic bouquet of 20 red roses and eight fragrant white calla lilies in a dazzling clear glass vase. She'll be thrilled. And you'll be thrilled at the thank you. Hurry home.
The gorgeous bouquet features one dozen red roses and a half dozen miniature white calla lilies accented with assorted greenery.
Orientation: All-Around
Approximate size:
• Standard: 15 1/2" W x 15 1/2" H
• Deluxe: 16" W x 16" H
• Premium: 16" W x 16" H
Standard: TRS02-1A
Deluxe: TRS02-1B
Premium: TRS02-1C
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