True romance will bloom brighter than ever when you surprise her with this dazzling bouquet of red roses, red carnations and other favorites in a chic ruby red vase. "Surprise" is the key word. That's when flowers mean the most.
Turn up the heat on your relationship with this sizzling bouquet of red roses and other romantic favorites in a sparkling glass vase. It makes a spectacular gift for anniversary or any loving occasion. Definitely rated XOXO.
A mix of carnations and roses in shades of red and light pink. Delivered in a glass vase accented with pink satin ribbon.
Orientation: All-Around
Approximate size:
• Standard: 14" W x 16 1/2" H
• Deluxe: 15" W x 18" H
• Premium: 15" W x 18 1/4" H
Standard: TEV12-5A
Deluxe: TEV12-5B
Premium: TEV12-5C
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