Hooray for love! Put these words into flowers with this magnificent bouquet of red roses and fragrant oriental lilies in a dazzling glass inspiration vase. Birthday, anniversary or any loving occasion, she'll get your message.
As time goes by, you realize more and more what she means to you. Let her know with this lovely array of lush red roses and fragrant oriental lilies in a sparkling inspiration vase. No special occasion? All the better.
The charming bouquet features red roses and white oriental lilies accented with fresh salal.
Orientation: All-Around
Approximate size:
• Standard: 20" W x 22 1/2" H
• Deluxe: 22 1/2" W x 23 1/2" H
• Premium: 23" W x 24" H
Standard: TRS04-1A
Deluxe: TRS04-1B
Premium: TRS04-1C
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