Teleflora's Peaceful Clouds BouquetElegant and serene, this wondrous white bouquet in a simple glass cube vase celebrates any occasion in style. This peaceful arrangement includes , white roses, white spray roses, white alstroemeria, dusty miller, white limonium, parvifolia eucalyptus and pitta negra. Delivered in a Color Splash...
- From $75.55
- From $75.55
- Unit price
- per
Arrive In StyleThis beautiful bouquet will most certainly arrive in style! Ready for the runway, as it were. A delightful combination of light colors and lovely flowers, it's simply beautiful. Light pink roses, white asiatic lilies, alstroemeria, cushion spray chrysanthemums and statice are delivered in a...
- From $70.15
- From $70.15
- Unit price
- per
Teleflora's Purest Love BouquetWho's the fairest of them all? This snow-white bouquet. A stunning statement of your purest love, this mix of hydrangea and lilies in a Couture vase will take their heart away. This snow-white bouquet includes hydrangea, asiatic lilies, alstroemeria, miniature carnations, stock and fresh...
- From $86.35
- From $86.35
- Unit price
- per
Isle of WhiteLike a vacation for the senses, this lovely bouquet delivers an oasis of beauty and elegance. Soothing, serene and very special. Crème roses, white asiatic lilies and stock stem are incredibly arranged in a bubble vase. When it comes to bouquets, this is definitely...
- From $75.55
- From $75.55
- Unit price
- per
Teleflora's Sweetest Sunrise BouquetThis sparkling array of sunny favorites in a silver cube vase will be the star of any room. It's a sweet gift she'll love to receive - and you'll be proud to give. Sweet price, too. The cheerful bouquet includes white hydrangea, yellow roses,...
- From $75.55
- From $75.55
- Unit price
- per
Teleflora's Sapphire Skies BouquetSend someone a bit of heaven with this beautiful bouquet. Luxurious crème roses and pure white lilies paint a peaceful picture inside a sapphire blue cube. Crème roses, white asiatic lilies and white miniature carnations are mixed with bursts of purple statice and green...
- From $75.55
- From $75.55
- Unit price
- per
Be My Love Bouquet with Red RosesThe spirit of love and romance is beautifully captured in this enchanting bouquet. It's the perfect gift for anyone you love. Red roses and carnations are exquisitely arranged with white asiatic lilies and chrysanthemums in a ruby red glass vase. It's lovely. Orientation: All-Around...
- From $77.71
- From $77.71
- Unit price
- per
Teleflora's Shining On BouquetLet your love shine! No matter the recipient or the occasion, this stunning monochromatic mix of hydrangea and roses, hand-delivered in a shimmering silver cube, is destined to delight and inspire. This bouquet of blooms includes white hydrangea, white roses, white spray roses, green...
- From $92.83
- From $92.83
- Unit price
- per
Blue HorizonsAs open and bright as a winter's sky, this exquisite mix of white and blue blossoms would make a stunning birthday gift, or a superb Hanukah present for a favorite friend or family member. An eye-catching selection. White Asiatic lilies, white spray roses and...
- From $75.55
- From $75.55
- Unit price
- per
Ocean DevotionSending this brilliant blue and white bouquet will surely garner oceans of appreciation from whoever receives it. Dazzling blue hydrangea, green roses and button spray chrysanthemums, divine white dahlias and snapdragons plus huckleberry arrive in a striking cobalt vase. Orientation: All-Around Approximate size: •...
- From $75.55
- From $75.55
- Unit price
- per
Beautiful WhisperBeautiful Whisper Approximate size: • Standard: 15 1/2" W x 15 1/2" H Standard: T237-1A
- $194.35
- $194.35
- Unit price
- per
Teleflora's Heavenly and HarmonyHeavenly hues and pretty petals are in perfect harmony in this gorgeous arrangement. Lovely for a birthday, anniversary or just because, it's simply stunning! Light pink roses, white asiatic lilies, Queen Anne's lace and salal are beautifully arranged in a glass vase. Heaven sent?...
- From $97.04
- From $97.04
- Unit price
- per
Baby's First Block by Teleflora - BlueCelebrate the coolest baby boy on the block's arrival with this charming glass baby block that arrives chock full of pretty flowers. Perfect for baby showers, too! The glass block will make an adorable display piece for years! Dazzling white spray roses, light blue...
- From $75.55
- From $75.55
- Unit price
- per
Classic WhiteA beautiful custom made bouquet, perfect for any occasion. The designer will choose flowers based on the floral inspiration of the day and based on your color palette chosen. Your hand-tied bouquet will be delivered beautifully wrapped or select the vase option and the...
- From $70.19
- From $70.19
- Unit price
- per
Botanical Beauty BouquetSnow white blooms and eye-catching greens create this beautiful botanical gift that's a peaceful addition to any occasion. This modern bouquet includes white hydrangea, green roses, white asiatic lilies, green trick dianthus, bells of Ireland, green button spray chrysanthemums, curly willow, oregonia, variegated aspidistra...
- From $139.86
- From $139.86
- Unit price
- per
Beautiful in BlueIn this arrangement, the serenity of the color blue along with the purity of intention symbolized by white will let the family know you are sending your calm strength to them during these difficult times. Beautiful blooms such as blue hydrangea, crème roses, white...
- From $75.59
- From $75.59
- Unit price
- per
Isn't It RomanticTonight will certainly be romantic if you send this classic arrangement today! Beautiful hues and gorgeous blossoms will deliver your love. A stunning arrangement of light pink roses, white roses, lilies, lisianthius and sweet pea, plus pink stock make this one of our most...
- From $133.87
- From $133.87
- Unit price
- per
Baby's First Block by Teleflora - PinkCelebrate the cutest baby girl on the block's arrival with this charming glass baby block that arrives chock full of pretty flowers. Perfect for baby showers, too! The glass block will make an adorable display piece for years! Pretty light pink and white spray...
- From $75.55
- From $75.55
- Unit price
- per
Always a LadyA romantic gift like this one is always appreciated. An eye-catching display of roses and lilies is perfectly arranged in a feminine vase which makes a beautiful and lasting impression. Elegant white roses and sweet pink asiatic lilies are hand-arranged with greens. It's the...
- From $107.95
- From $107.95
- Unit price
- per
Teleflora's Opulent OrchidsPure elegance. That's what these divine white phalaenopsis orchids deliver. They're beautiful upon arrival, and what's even more beautiful is that these amazing plants are easy to take care of, and can blossom for months. A white phalaenopsis orchid plant arrives in an exclusive...
- $149.95
- $149.95
- Unit price
- per